Taking inspiration from Jamaica's conflicted history with obeah, this piece will serve as an excavation of past traumas in an attempt to create a better understanding of the ongoing paradigm of power we're currently trapped in. Performed live @ Fridman Gallery as part of Kevin Beasley's series, The Listening Room SETLIST SETLIST MC Holocaust - Hijack in Effect Metropolarity - You Have 4 Messages, Message 1 Elysia Crampton - Spiral Flex aka endless time slide W/Money Allah 8ulentina - allahallah FAITHFUL - lash around my palpitating heart Black Quantum Futurism - The Afterlife of Events - Time Distortion Chino Amobi - White Metal (plus c signal drop) Gaika - Enoch’s Drone Chino Amobi with serpentwithfeet - calcified Moslem Priest & Mysteriz - Skeletal Banshee (Death Percussion VIP) Lil Island - MAPPAMARCELLINEMANTRA Morton HD - throw dat in the trash please Rabit - Artemis (obeah edit) False Witness - Cataclysm Track 1 (Lord of the Sirens) DJ Rashad & DJ Spinn - Broken Hearted Elysia Crampton - Ax Amores Edit Black Lives Matter - Black Brunch South Carolina
Performed at Fridman Gallery as part of Kevin Beasley’s Listening Room series..